With Christmas less than two weeks away, you may still be shopping for the perfect gift for the last few people on your shopping list. But not to worry, as you still have plenty of time to order your iBobber(s) for anyone on your shopping list who loves fishing and spending time outdoors. We’ve rounded up our Top 5 reasons why the iBobber makes a great gift for all ages, experience levels, and budgets.
First, we know Christmas budgets can balloon out of control when shopping for multiple people, so that’s why…
- The iBobber is affordable.

We hope you jumped on our Cyber Monday deal of saving 25% off your purchase from our website. But even at full price of only $99, the iBobber is priced competitively within the field of smartphone fish finders. If you’ve never used a fish finder or have hesitated due to cost, the iBobber offers a budget-friendly, user-friendly solution with speedy Bluetooth Smart Technology.
With that low price point, the iBobber is a low-risk gift option for our next point:
- It’s a gender-neutral gift.

Everyone has that one person for whom it’s hard to shop, and for many, it’s someone of the opposite sex. Well, men and women alike enjoy sport fishing, which makes the iBobber an ideal gift for anyone.
If any of those folks are new to fishing, keep on reading…
- The iBobber is perfect for all ages and experience levels.

The iBobber is so simple to use that it’s ideal for beginners and children as well as seasoned veterans. You can use it in place of a plastic bobber as a strike indicator for a child’s fishing rod or for panfishing, troll it behind your boat or kayak while casting with another rod, or find an ideal place to set fish traps. The ability to visualize the waterbed and underwater features makes the iBobber a great teaching tool to show new anglers what to look for in an ideal fishing spot.
And once you’ve got your gift recipient hooked on fishing, you can assure them that they’ll get plenty of use out of their iBobber with our next point:
- You can use the iBobber year-round.

We’ve built the iBobber to stand up to the rigors of year-round fishing. In fact, it’s so weather-resistant that it can handle ice fishing like a champ. If your gift recipient lives in a state with long, cold winters, they can make the most of winter bass fishing or even take up ice fishing.
And finally, if you need anymore assurance that the iBobber works, just listen to our fans:
- Our fans love the iBobber!
We have been spreading the Christmas cheer by giving away two prize packages with an iBobber and ReelSonar Digital Scale on Facebook, and the turnout has been astounding, with hundreds of people entering to win the raffles. Check out some of the comments from our most recent giveaway!
“I really wanna give my husband an ibobber for Christmas!”
“I really want an iBobber for Christmas for my friend.”
“I really need an iBobber for my grand kids, ages 3, 9, and 11. It would be so much more interesting for my 3 year old!!!”
“This would be great for the kayak!”
As always, we love hearing feedback and questions from our fans on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and we expect to hear about lots of iBobber-shaped Christmas presents under the tree this year!