The folks at FirearmsGuide.com took iBobber out for some fall fishing:
"Pyramid Lake in California was the spot to try this hi-tech bobber that can make life easier for every fisherman. Packaged in an incredibly small package, the iBobber is a simple device that you can hook up to your fishing line and cast with your lure...
Weather on Pyramid Lake in September is great. I had no trouble at all gaining a connection to the iBobber, and it immediately began streaming the depth and lake bed visual to my phone. Within seconds this time, it started to pick up fish as well, sitting at about 18-24' deep. Quick adjusting of my fishing gear was all it takes to get a first fish. iBobber was working fine all day, helping me a lot and I was happy to have it that day with me. I have no idea how it would perform on ocean but on the lake it worked just fine!"
Check out the rest of the review at FirearmsGuide.com.